
Monday, November 17, 2008

Inspiration Monday - Monday's Muse

I am once again joining in sharing what inspires me this Monday. Well, I have been really obsessed with fabric. Yes, fabric. I know that I use fabric all the time when I reconstruct and sew. But lately I have been wanting to do more with all the fabric sraps I have lying around. I love screenprinting faces on fabric which is what my clothing line Nelesc is all about ( but I am interested in doing more. I borrowed Create Your Own Handprinted Cloth by Rayna Gillman, from the library and it has really gotten my wheels turning. I have also been wanting to make fabric books. Recently, I bought Fabric Picture Books by Gwen Marsten. My kids have these amazing fabric books that they love and I would love to custom make one for each of them or even make themed books for grownups. I have so many ideas in my head with so little time. We'll see how I fit it all in my schedule. For now, it's inspiring enough to see, through my books, what other people are doing with fabric.


  1. ooh, it's so much fun to read what's inspiring other people!!

    love yours, and would LOVE to see a finished product one day!!

  2. Hi Nellie! I always love reading your contributions to Monday's Muse because they are often quite outside the realm of what I do. It really opens my eyes to new things. Thanks!
