
Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy New Year!!! Blog and Nelesc Designs goals for 2010.

My first blog post of the year!!! So sorry it took this long. I am really hoping that this year I can post more consistently. I know I said that last year, and although I improved from the year before, I still was not as steady as I wanted to be. I do want to do some new things with this blog which I hope will keep me motivated. As well as posting newly listed items from my shop, I would like to feature other Etsy shops, write about my creative process, interview other creative people and find out about their process, review books about art, fashion, spirituality, and motherhood, and feature contemporary, modern and historical people who have made a difference in the world. I know, I know, for someone who is not a consistent blogger, these are lofty plans but hey, at least I have a goal!

I also decided to focus my attention on three key elements concerning my shop. I will offer more ready made tops with my cultural icon screenprints in multiple sizes and colors. This has been a major request from my clients and I listened! I also plan to create more screens, particularly of men since I only have two males featured in my collection, and, in order to feed my love for design and reconstruction, I would like to do do more t-shirt reconstructions from pre-printed t-shirts and t-shirts I print myself. Not to mention, I still plan to be available for custom orders. I know I will probably vear a bit from this plan but again, a girl has to have a plan to vear from. LOL!! No, really, I really want to stick to this for 2010. When my smallest boy starts school in September, I will be able to do more, but right now I need to focus!!!

So, here's a little taste of some of my newly listed tops in multiple sizes and colors!!! Go to for more information on sizing. Enjoy, and please let me know what you think!!!


  1. Wow, these are fantastic! Thanks for coming by my blog. I wish you great success with your work this year!!!

  2. Very cool! Good luck getting everything on track and great work getting your products and shop together.
