
Thursday, November 4, 2010

She's No Dummy

I just had to post this. It's from the October 23rd New York Daily News. Yes, I read the Daily News, they have some great fashion coverage and pics, okay??? lol.

It caught my eye because the caption reads, "scantily clad mannequins are immune to the fall chill in the air yesterday outside shop on Ward Ave. in the Bronx."  I used to live on Ward Avenue in the Bronx during my High School years. I would go up and down the block looking in all the clothing shops as my fashion sense was blossoming. I went to Laguardia High School of Music and Art so you could imagine the various fashion styles at my disposal! The kids there wore capes and mohawks to school so anything went! I really experimented a lot during that time, trading in my uptight ruffled blouses (which I wrote about here) for striped socks and thrift store finds. Let's just say, my mom was not happy! 


  1. First, I love The NY Daily News! I miss reading it SO much.

    Wow, you went to LaGuardia! That's so cool.

    I think that's where Alicia Keys went to high school. She's my fav singer.

  2. Oh, good, another thinker who likes the Daily News! No one covers the Bronx better.

    Yes, I went to LaGuardia, it was an interesting experience, it really challenged me as an artist and I made great friends there. I'm going to write a post about that experience one day.

    I love Alicia Keys too.
