
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sew and Tell: Front Fold Over Flap Jumpsuit

I love that it's finally getting warm outside on a consistent basis! I have been wearing this fold over flap jumpsuit a lot more often. 

I made this jumpsuit from scratch from knit fabric on clearance from my favorite fabric store in the Bronx, Save-a-Thon. 

I posted a picture of this on Instagram not too long ago and some of my followers wanted to know how I made the fold over flap. It's really not rocket science, so I made a simple drawing to show you. A very simple drawing, since I don't draw very well. 

 I made pants the regular way except that I made the top wider than usual so I would have enough fabric to fold. 

I folded one side and then folded the other over it and stitched. 

I also ruched the bottom part of the pants using the pattern from Pattern Magic 3. You can see those pants in this October post from last year. 

I really like it but the next time I make it, if I do, I will make it less baggy. 

So what do you think of the fold over design? Too out there? Let me know. I love feedback! 


  1. Love this jumpsuit, you have skillz! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

  2. I think that this is very chic on you. I find the whole design very interesting.

    1. Thank you Adrienne! I do like the interesting detail. I think I will make another one.

  3. Wonderful! Love it on you, too ... the "baggy" makes it fabulous, but less might work as well. Clever girl!

    1. Jan! I love u, thank you! Yes, I wore it the other day and the baggy is growing on me!
