I am joining Maternalspark.com in making Monday's post about the topic of inspiration. This weekend I was inspired by one of my son's favorite TV shows, Imagination Movers. "Described as a combination of the Beastie Boys and Fred Rogers, the Movers combine pop and rap music, education and fun in their videos about such child-friendly topics as cleaning up your room, eating right, and being afraid of the dark" (from https://secure.lpb.org/shoplpb/imovers.cfm). I was watching it this saturday with my oldest son, M, on the Disney Playhouse channel when I realized that they don't like to use the word "problem." When they have a "problem", they quickly correct themselves and say, "no, we have an idea emergency!!!" An "idea emergency". What a great way to attack a problem. It's so full of possibilities, so hopeful. I have a lot of "idea emergencies" right now. My biggest one is my need for a part time job that pays well, jives with my son's bus schedule, and is accomodated by my finding a babysitter that would stay with D part time (this is proving to be very difficult since babysitters want full time assignments). I have been frantically searching for babysitters, looking through job announcements, and fighting with my son's bus driver because she has yet to pick him up at the same time since school started. How am I supposed to find a job with set hours when I don't even know what time the bus is supposed to arrive? Can anyone say "idea emergency?" I am yet to find the perfect job, but in the meantime, the solution to my "idea emergency" is to calm down, take a deep breath, and wait on the Lord. That works for me.
Nellie, it sounds like you are having the same 'idea emergency' I had when looking for childcare. It all worked out for us and I'm sure it will for you too. Great post and thanks for participating in the meme :)