Friday, October 22, 2010

Mountains That Take Wing, Part II

I am so late with this post. I was supposed to do it right after the 18th. Anyway, here are some things that I learned about the movie, Mountains That Take Wing, that I didn't already know.

1- Angela Davis' mom was also an activist, "the seeds were sewn", she says.

2-Davis started an interracial group that met in a church to discuss issues of discrimination and race. When did she start this group, you ask? AT AGE 11!!! Isn't that amazing? How many people are thinking about this stuff at eleven years old?

3- Yuri Kochiyama corresponded with Lolita Lebron while she was in prison.

4- Both Davis and Kochiyama work heavily with political prisoners today and the issue of prisons in general. They educate the public about the business of prisons and the racial discrimination that exists within this institution.

5-Puerto Rican political prisoners were the longest imprisoned group.

I learned a lot more but I wanted to give you a little tid bit. I really hope this movie will be available to the public. I definitely would like to have a copy. To learn more about the movie, go to

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